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Rosa Fernandez Salanova, plastic artist

"He began his artistic training in year 89 with the artist Ricardo Segura Torrella, studying painting, drawing and mixed media for years.

His painting is moved between figuration and abstraction subjective.

Try a visual language by experimenting with different materials, where the prevalence of specific forms and color does not lead to an internal...

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Rosa Fernandez Salanova, plastic artist

"He began his artistic training in year 89 with the artist Ricardo Segura Torrella, studying painting, drawing and mixed media for years.

His painting is moved between figuration and abstraction subjective.

Try a visual language by experimenting with different materials, where the prevalence of specific forms and color does not lead to an internal reflection on Life and the Universe.

Training in engraving, Museo de Bellas Artes, Coruña, Fundacion CIEC, Betanzos and Torrente Ballester (Ferrol)

Curriculum vitae:

Individual exhibitions:

2000 - "Oils and mixed media, Apeadeiro of Cabanas, A Coruña

2001-room Carvalho Calero exhibitions (Ferrol), A Coruña

2002 - Lar do Toxos and Frola (Ferrol), A Coruña

2002 - "Magic Time", Casa da Culture Charry House "(Oleiros), A Coruña

2003-Lake Chamber Xose King (two Muiños Museum), Ama-Culleredo Acea (A Coruña)

2004-Casino Ferrol, Ferrol (A Coruña)

2004-Hotel Melia Maria Pita (Image Art Gallery), A Coruña

2005 - "Silence", Exhibition Hall Carvalho Calero, Ferrol (A Coruña)

2005 - "Experiences", Club de Campo-commercial circle, Ferrol (A Coruña)

2007 - Exhibition Hall Hotel Puerta del Camino (Galeria Jose Lorenzo), Santiago de Compostela

2008 - DC Viveiro - Viveiro (A Coruña). Klass Alen art gallery-A Coruña

2008 - Natura-Universe, Ateneo Ferrol Ferrol

2008-C. C Expoliva, Monforte (Lugo), Alen Klass gallery

2009 - Alen Gallery Klass, A Coruña

National and international fairs:

2006-International Art Fair of Brescia, Montichiari (Italy)

2007-International Art Fair of Grenoble (Alps, France)

2007-International Art Fair, Art-expo New York (New York)

2007-Art Fair "Arteria" (Huesca)

2007-Art Fair ARTZ (Zaragoza)

2008-Art Fair in Shanghai (China)

2009 - International Exhibition of Modern and Contemporary Art Kunstart, Bolzano, Italy

2008-2009 - Traveling Galicia "Art-Nature"

2007 - Traveling Galicia after pasted as Delos "

National and international group exhibitions:

1989 - Torreon Condes de Andrade "(Pontedeume), A Coruña

1991 - City Hall Exhibition Hall Pontedeume, A Coruña

1992 - "Spaces not beat, da sociedade paisaxe Galician (O Seixo). A Coruña

1995-C. Cultural Carvalho Calero (Ferrol), A Coruña

2002 - "A muller na painting exhibition hall of the League S. Port Cibrao (Ferrol), A Coruña

2004 - "Doughnuts da fantasia", House of Culture of the City of Fene. (A Coruña)

2004 - "Spring Salon, the woman in the painting," Casino Ferrol. (Ferrol), A Coruña

2004 - "Shapes and Colors", Teaching Ortigueira. A Coruña

2005 - "Salon de Navidad", Porta Nova Gallery (Ferrol), A Coruña

Porta Nova 2005-Gallery "Woman in Painting", Ferrol, A Coruña

2005 - "Artists Ferrol", Fundación Caixa Galicia (Ferrol), A Coruña

2006 - "The woman in the painting," Casino Ferrolano. (Ferrol), A Coruña

2006 - Parador San Esteban de Rivas de Sil Ribeira Sacra (Orense).

2006 - House-Bertamirans culture of Ames (A Coruña)

2006 - House of culture of Outes Serra (A Coruña)

2006 - House of Culture Caldas de Reis (Pontevedra)

2006 House Burela culture (Lugo)

2006-House of Culture Fene (A Coruña)

2006 - Pazo da Bertamirans Pilgrim, Santiago de Compostela

2006 - Hotel Bahia de Vigo (Vigo)

2006-Collective beneficial "Tempos for or remembered," Granell Foundation,

(Santiago de Compostela)

2007-O "na bagpiper art Toxos and Frola (Ferrol)-A Coruña

2007 - "the woman in the painting," Casino Ferrol (Ferrol)

2007 - CC do Salnes (Cambados), Pontevedra

2007-III International Exhibition small format (Cordoba)

2007-Benefica Araguaney Foundation (Santiago de Compostela)

2007 - Gallery imparts (Barcelona)

2007 - Gallery Sargadelos (A Estrada, Santiago de Compostela)

2008-IV International Exhibition small format (invited as featured artist) (Cordoba)

2008 - Hotel Riadana, Agadir (Morocco)

2008 - Centro Gallego de Tres Cantos (Madrid)

2008 - The woman in the painting, casino Ferrol, Ferrol, A Coruña)

2008 - "O bagpiper na art" and Froles.Ferrol Toxos-A Coruña

2008 - "Flowers and Plants", casino Ferrol, Ferrol, A Coruña

2008-Galeria Itsaxo, Zaragoza

2008 - Artists Galician Confederation of Employers of Tambre (Santiago de Compostela)

Cultural 2008_Jornadas paint outdoors, exposure-

Vilas Boas (Chaves), Portugal

2008-Lar Galicia, Sevilla

2008_Benefica, showroom Naron City Library (participant and curator of the exhibition)

2008-International Exhibition of plastic arts LaBoy City (Colombia)

2009 - Saire Auditorium, First International Art Salon (Huila, Colombia)

Contemporary Art 2009_Museo Huila (Colombia)

2009-Galeria Terrace, Huila (Colombia)

2008-Art Galician-Portuguese, Sala Aires, Cordoba

2008 - Galeria Porta Nova-Ferrol

2008-Small format art gallery Alen Klass, A Coruña

2009-V International Exhibition small format, Cordoba

2009-Casa de Galicia in Madrid

2009-Ateneo Ferrolán

2009-Cultural Exchange Exhibition of Ferrol-Terrassa (Novas Pontes), Carvalho Calero, Ferrol

Participant and curator

2009 - Paradanta, Pontevedra (Alenklass gallery)

2009-The woman in the painting, casino Ferrol

2009-CC de Deza (Lalin) (gallery AlenKlass)

2009-CC Bergantiños, Buño (Alen gallery Klass)

2009-gallery Manuel Marquez (Orense)


· Collaboration as a magazine illustrator in Poetry Galicia. (In different editions)

. Billboards covers for artistic events

. Illustrations for publications

"Home" Gallego XXXVII Congress of Dermatology "(2008), Ferrol, A Coruña

2008-Music-painting: painting faster live, experimental music concert

2008-Conference of painting outdoors (Meninas), Canido-Ferrol

Exhibitions and virtual gallery references:




Aires Cordoba





Global Art

Painters Galicia

Other information:

· Work Oleiros public and City Council Culleredo (A Coruña), Toxos and Frola (Ferrol), Casino Ferrol (Ferrol), Club de Campo (Ferrol), Carvalho Calero (Ferrol), Ateneo Ferrol (Ferrol), gallery Xerion ( A Coruna), Jose Lorenzo gallery (Santiago), gallery Alenklass (Coruña), gallery Manuel Marquez (Ourense), Cultural Assoc Aires de Cordoba (Cordoba) cultural center Vilas Boas (Chaves), Portugal, and private collections in Spain , Colombia and Morocco

Permanent works in gallery Alen Klass (A Coruña) and gallery Manuel Marquez (Orense)


"Galician Association of Arts and Culture (AGAEC)

Artists Association of Ferrol, SAF

CIALEC (international center of art and literature, computer Cordoba)

"Cultural Solidarity D'art, Catalan Association (Terrassa, Barcelona) for cultural exchange with other communities and other countries

It is co-founder of the artistic group Traloarte


2006 - Course-Lithography Workshop, the International Center for Contemporary Engraving (Betanzos) with Omar Kessel

Etching Workshop, Museum of Fine Arts (A Coruña) with Anne Heyvaert

2007-Etching Workshop, Museum of Fine Arts (A Coruña), with Anne Heyvaert

2008-Engraving & Woodcut, Museum of Fine Arts (A Coruña), with Omar Kessel

2008-Printmaking Workshop, Museum of Fine Arts (A Coruña), Anne Heyvaert

2008 - Professional Engraving, Torrente Ballester, Ferrol, Anne Heyvaert


In publications and interviews with various media such as radio, press, (Voz de Galicia, Diario de Ferrol, Galicia E, Ideal Gallego, La Opinion ...) and television (Localia, Canal 31, TV Galicia Colombia, Portugal ...)


Journal of art "cultural Scanner"

Cultural magazine "Aires de Cordoba"

Connected Magazine

Galicia poetry magazine (several editions)

Gal-art magazine (Barcelona)

Art magazine "Revistart"

Magazine today Ferrol "

Diccinario International Art and Literature 2007 and 2008

Artists Mulleres book Galegas

Artists Book 2007

Poetry Book 2007

Book of Poetry 2008

Artists Book 2008

Book "Women in Art",

Book Women in art

Book "Homage to Women Artists"

Book The aesthetics and contemporary art, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


Is selected in various art contests and

Art Competition "Gallery Burela" (2004), Burela (Lugo)

Galician paisaxe Painting Contest (2006), Toxos and Frola (Ferrol), A Coruña

Bello Painting Contest Piñeiro (2000) (Mugardos)-A Coruña

Manuel painting contest finalist REBON (City of Ares), A Coruña

Connected Contest 2009

Honorable mention Spanish and Latin American artists, gallery La Terraza Torrella Segura, studying painting, drawing and mixed media for years.

His painting is moved between figuration and abstraction subjective.

Try a visual language by experimenting with different materials, where the prevalence of specific forms and color does not lead to an internal reflection on Life and the Universe.

Training in engraving, Museo de Bellas Artes, Coruña, Fundacion CIEC, Betanzos and Torrente Ballester (Ferrol)

Curriculum vitae:

Individual exhibitions:

2000 - "Oils and mixed media, Apeadeiro of Cabanas, A Coruña

2001-Showroom Carvalho Calero (Ferrol), A Coruña

2002 - Lar do Toxos and Frola (Ferrol), A Coruña

2002 - "Magic Time", Casa da Culture Charry House "(Oleiros), A Coruña

2003-Lake Chamber Xose King (two Muiños Museum), Ama-Culleredo Acea (A Coruña)

2004-Casino Ferrol, Ferrol (A Coruña)

2004-Hotel Melia Maria Pita (Image Art Gallery), A Coruña

2005 - "Silence", Exhibition Hall Carvalho Calero, Ferrol (A Coruña)

2005 - "Experiences", Club de Campo-commercial circle, Ferrol (A Coruña)

2007 - Exhibition Hall Hotel Puerta del Camino (Galeria Jose Lorenzo), Santiago de Compostela

2008 - DC Viveiro - Viveiro (A Coruña). Klass Alen art gallery-A Coruña

2008 - Natura-Universe, Ateneo Ferrol, Ferrol

2008-C. C Expoliva, Monforte (Lugo), Alen Klass gallery

2009 - Alen Gallery Klass, A Coruña

National and international fairs:

2006-International Art Fair of Brescia, Montichiari (Italy)

2007-International Art Fair of Grenoble (Alps, France)

2007-International Art Fair, Art-expo New York (New York)

2007-Art Fair "Arteria" (Huesca)

2007-Art Fair ARTZ (Zaragoza)

2008-Art Fair in Shanghai (China)

2009 - International Exhibition of Modern and Contemporary Art Kunstart, Bolzano, Italy

2008-2009 - Traveling Galicia "Art-Nature"

2007 - Traveling Galicia after pasted as Delos "

National and international group exhibitions:

1989 - Torreon Condes de Andrade "(Pontedeume), A Coruña

1991 - City Hall Exhibition Hall Pontedeume, A Coruña

1992 - "Spaces not beat, da sociedade paisaxe Galician (O Seixo). A Coruña

1995-C. Cultural Carvalho Calero (Ferrol), A Coruña

2002 - "A muller na painting exhibition hall of the League S. Port Cibrao (Ferrol), A Coruña

2004 - "Doughnuts da fantasia", House of Culture of the City of Fene. (A Coruña)

2004 - "Spring Salon, the woman in the painting," Casino Ferrol. (Ferrol), A Coruña

2004 - "Shapes and Colors", Faculty of Ortigueira. A Coruña

2005 - "Salon de Navidad", Porta Nova Gallery (Ferrol), A Coruña

Porta Nova 2005-Gallery "Woman in Painting", Ferrol, A Coruña

2005 - "Artists Ferrol", Fundación Caixa Galicia (Ferrol), A Coruña

2006 - "The woman in the painting," Casino Ferrolano. (Ferrol), A Coruña

2006 - Parador San Esteban de Rivas de Sil Ribeira Sacra (Orense).

2006 - House-Bertamirans culture of Ames (A Coruña)

2006 - House of culture of Outes Serra (A Coruña)

2006 - House of Culture Caldas de Reis (Pontevedra)

2006 House Burela culture (Lugo)

2006-House of Culture Fene (A Coruña)

2006 - Pazo da Bertamirans Pilgrim, Santiago de Compostela

2006 - Hotel Bahia de Vigo (Vigo)

2006-Collective beneficial "Tempos for or remembered," Granell Foundation,

(Santiago de Compostela)

2007-O "na bagpiper art Toxos and Frola (Ferrol)-A Coruña

2007 - "the woman in the painting," Casino Ferrol (Ferrol)

2007 - CC do Salnes (Cambados), Pontevedra

2007-III Exhibition Small international format (Cordoba)

2007-Benefica Araguaney Foundation (Santiago de Compostela)

2007 - Gallery imparts (Barcelona)

2007 - Gallery Sargadelos (A Estrada, Santiago de Compostela)

2008-IV International Exhibition small format (invited as featured artist) (Cordoba)

2008 - Hotel Riadana, Agadir (Morocco)

2008 - Centro Gallego de Tres Cantos (Madrid)

2008 - The woman in the painting, casino Ferrol, Ferrol, A Coruña)

2008 - "O bagpiper na art" and Froles.Ferrol Toxos-A Coruña

2008 - "Flowers and Plants", casino Ferrol, Ferrol, A Coruña

2008-Galeria Itsaxo, Zaragoza

2008 - Artists Galician Confederation of Employers of Tambre (Santiago de Compostela)

Cultural 2008_Jornadas paint outdoors, exposure-

Vilas Boas (Chaves), Portugal

2008-Lar Galicia, Sevilla

2008_Benefica, showroom Naron City Library (participant and curator of the exhibition)

2008-International Exhibition of plastic arts LaBoy City (Colombia)

2009 - Saire Auditorium, First International Art Salon (Huila, Colombia)

Contemporary Art 2009_Museo Huila (Colombia)

2009-Galeria Terrace, Huila (Colombia)

2008-Art Galician-Portuguese, Sala Aires, Cordoba

2008 - Galeria Porta Nova-Ferrol

2008-Small gallery format Alen Art Klass, A Coruña

2009-V International Exhibition small format, Cordoba

2009-Casa de Galicia in Madrid

2009-Ateneo Ferrolán

2009-Cultural Exchange Exhibition of Ferrol-Terrassa (Novas Pontes), Carvalho Calero, Ferrol

Participant and curator

2009 - Paradanta, Pontevedra (Alenklass gallery)

2009-The woman in the painting, casino Ferrol

2009-CC de Deza (Lalin) (gallery AlenKlass)

2009-CC Bergantiños, Buño (Alen Klass gallery)

2009-gallery Manuel Marquez (Orense)


· Collaborations magazine illustrator in Poetry Galicia. (in different editions)

. Billboards covers for artistic events

. Illustrations for publications

"Home" Gallego XXXVII Congress of Dermatology "(2008), Ferrol, A Coruña

2008-Music-painting: painting faster live, experimental music concert

2008-Conference of painting outdoors (Meninas), Canido-Ferrol

Exhibitions and virtual gallery references:




Aires de Cordoba





Global Art

Painters Galicia

Other information:

· Work Oleiros public and City Council Culleredo (A Coruña), Toxos and Frola (Ferrol), Casino Ferrol (Ferrol), Club de Campo (Ferrol), Carvalho Calero (Ferrol), Ateneo Ferrol (Ferrol), gallery Xerion ( A Coruna), Jose Lorenzo gallery (Santiago), gallery Alenklass (Coruña), gallery Manuel Marquez (Ourense), Cultural Assoc Aires de Cordoba (Cordoba) cultural center Vilas Boas (Chaves), Portugal, and private collections in Spain , Colombia and Morocco

Permanent works in gallery Alen Klass (A Coruña) and gallery Manuel Marquez (Orense)


"Galician Association of Art and Culture (AGAEC)

Association Ferrol artists, SAF

CIALEC (international center of art and literature, computer Cordoba)

"Cultural Solidarity D'art, Catalan Association (Terrassa, Barcelona) for cultural exchange with other communities and other countries

It is co-founder of the artistic group Traloarte


2006 - Course-Lithography Workshop, the International Center for Contemporary Engraving (Betanzos) with Omar Kessel

Etching Workshop, Museum of Fine Arts (A Coruña) with Anne Heyvaert

2007-Etching Workshop, Museum of Fine Arts (A Coruña), Anne Heyvaert

2008-Engraving and Woodcut, Museum of Fine Arts (A Coruña), with Omar Kessel

2008-Printmaking Workshop, Museum of Fine Arts (A Coruña), Anne Heyvaert

2008 - Professional Engraving, Torrente Ballester, Ferrol, Anne Heyvaert


In publications and interviews with various media such as radio, press, (Voz de Galicia, Diario de Ferrol, Galicia E, Ideal Gallego, La Opinion ...) and television (Localia, Canal 31, TV Galicia Colombia, Portugal ...)


Journal of art "cultural Scanner"

Cultural Review "Aires de Cordoba"

Connected Magazine

Galicia poetry magazine (several editions)

Gal-art magazine (Barcelona)

Art magazine "Revistart"

Magazine today Ferrol "

Diccinario International Art and Literature 2007 and 2008

Artists Mulleres book Galegas

Artists Book 2007

Poetry Book 2007

Book of Poetry 2008

Artists Book 2008

Book "Women in Art",

Book Women in art

Book "Homage to Women Artists"

Book The aesthetics and contemporary art, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


Is selected in various art contests as

Art Competition "Gallery Burela" (2004), Burela (Lugo)

Galician paisaxe Painting Contest (2006), Toxos and Frola (Ferrol), A Coruña

Bello Painting Contest Piñeiro (2000) (Mugardos)-A Coruña

Manuel painting contest finalist REBON (City of Ares), A Coruña

Connected Contest 2009

Honorable mention Spanish and Latin American artists, gallery La Terraza (Colombia)

e-mail: rosafernandezsalanova@hotmail.com

Web Address: http://rosafernandezsalanova.blogspot.com/


Tel: (+34) 66 186 6717

Postal address: c / Vigo January 12 to 14 º c, La Gandara, Naron, A Coruña CP: 15570 Spain

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